Financial institutions are flooded with existing loan data across multiple platforms. Historically, the tendency to create silos of functions has been reinforced by legacy IT systems that were developed or purchased to meet the needs of individual departments.
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) requires banks to pull core data and compile retail, commercial & consumer data from disparate systems into a data warehouse. The warehouse must model impact scenarios and risks, and present reports to meet customer, financial, and Regulatory Reporting Requirements.
CLOUDecision Portfolio Analysis & Risk Management Suites provide banks with the capability to aggregate client data at portfolio and individual loan levels quickly and at an affordable rate.

CLOUDecision Portfolio Software is an advanced quantitative platform that allows users to source, analyze, monitor, and identify inconsistencies to gauge the health of their portfolio, online and in real-time with financial analysis software. Regulators require written plans consistent with 2006 interagency guidance and sound risk management practice (OCC 2006-46) with this type of business financial software and commercial lending platform.
The commercial CRE lending platform allows comprehensive portfolio stress testing and valuation, as well as management of ALLL and adversely classified assets. CLOUDecision Advanced is built to order, with customizable options that are constantly updated to stay compliant with government and industry regulations. This risk management and portfolio analysis software helps users meet their board & management oversight and regulatory compliance needs.
Key Features:
Estimate Portfolio Losses Over The Stress Test Horizon
Estimate Revenues & Impact of Stress on Earnings
Projected NA Int. Reversal
DSC .9 & No Gtr, Loss if Unsecured
Flexibility to Stress Property Subgroup
Stress Decreased Current Assets & Increased CPLTD
Estimate Impact on Stress on Capital
Planning for Adequacy & Contingency Funding & Exposure