The lending department at community banks and credit unions are responsible for many different aspects related to commercial loans. Every loan that has risks must be carefully weighed to determine if they are viable for the short and long-term health of the institution. The key factors have always been the accuracy of the information obtained about a particular proposal and the speed at which it is delivered to the bank. CLOUDecision offers a full-fledged roster of products that are designed to mitigate any risks so your bank is protected.
Advanced Portfolio and Stress Testing for Projects
With a platform that is custom-built for your community bank, CLOUDecision’s software enables you to analyze the liquidity, credit worthiness and other aspects of a proposal while also identifying inconsistencies in key areas such as credit, market and operations with real-time figures set within an analytical interface.
Robust Construction Analytics and Draw Management
CLOUDecision successfully analyzes the many factors that need to be considered for commercial construction projects within a timely manner. Check cash flow sources and liquidity as well as the operating and usage figures for a proposed project before it’s approved to determine the validity of the application.
Seamless Commercial Real Estate Decisioning
Everything that’s needed to make smart decisions concerning commercial real estate — vacancy rates, loan origination, interest rates and other key metrics — are all consolidated for you right within CLOUDecision’s intuitive platform to keep the necessary information at your fingertips. Perform analytics, origination and underwriting duties all from the CLOUDecision interface without concern about security issues or the validity of the information you’re receiving.
Compliance is Ensured
The best application on paper is worthless to your bank if it doesn’t meet the applicable compliance regulations. CLOUDecision’s software constantly monitors projects to ensure that they are compliant to protect the reputation and assets of your bank.
Affordable, accessible and accountable, CLOUDecision provides financial institutions with the powerful tools they need to successfully analyze commercial projects every step of the way. The unique cloud-based platform eliminates clunky interfaces and provides a streamlined platform from which to generate results. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a free live demo.